Campers experience awakening and renewal at Camp Bennett
Posted by Edward Griffith on Jul 27, 2015 in News | Comments Off on Campers experience awakening and renewal at Camp BennettOn July 13, approximately 65 children of Bennett employees, boarded a bus at the Bennett home office in McDonough, Georgia – their destination – Old Town, Florida where Camp Anderson was transformed into Camp Bennett for the week.
Also from Bennett were seven employees, who left the office behind and made the trek to Florida to participate as counselors to lead the campers in their daily activities. Marcia Taylor, president and chief executive office at Bennett, also joined the campers for a day of recreation and worship.
For many unsuspecting campers, it was their first experience at the camp. For others, well…they knew exactly what they were in store for, and according to their “end of camp testimony cards, they didn’t leave disappointed.
During the week campers participated in a number of water sports and activities such as boat rides on the “Lady Taylor,” and plenty of recreation and games. But perhaps the most significant and impactful part of the week was each day when the campers woke up and attended chapel and ended each day back at the worship center listening to the inspiring messages as Pastor Kevin taught the campers the Word of God. And based on the camp’s history, it’s probably no surprise that many lives were changed during that week of Camp Bennett.
Camp Anderson (Bennett) changed my life. – Savannah Register
God helped me (a new follower of Jesus) have a good week here at camp Anderson (Bennett). When I was saved on the 15th of July 2015, I felt so good to know God was my savior. I felt like I could do anything I put my mind to. I was inspired. – Wyatt Benefield
Camp Anderson (Bennett) has taught me to be grateful and has made me realize al the sacrifices Jesus made for me. Camp Bennet has made me want to get active in my church and to try my best and live like Christ. – Ashley Williams
This week has been awesome for my first time. Very moving to move people’s hearts and learn about God. – Bobby Pitman
…I have learned through Pastor Kevin and Abi Ford that I am more special than I thought and it is time to start a new life to glorify God. So I made my decision and got baptized, so with Christ by my side I am now ready. – Anna Rzepkowski
Camp was really fun. Our leaders were great. The best part was when I got baptized. Overall, it (camp) made me closer to God. – Taylor Carroll
This week God moved me through Kevin’s preaching and I gave my life to Christ. – Mason Rzepkowski
I saw God move in my life. He also opened doors in my life. – Logan Kindig
Follow Jesus forever. Camp Anderson has changed my life, helped me get to my inner self and find Jesus! I never want to leave…ever! – Logan Messick
This camp has changed me in a way I never expected. I have been saved by my one and only God, and I’m proud to say I am a child of His. I love Him and He loves me. – Samantha Olivares
By the end of the week, there were a total of 62 young people who gave their lives to Christ, 22 re-dedicated their lives to Christ, and 45 were baptized in the river on Friday morning!
“Wow, what a blessing,” said Cindy Bloodworth, executive assistant. “God is still working in the lives of young people and adults!”
For many campers and counselors alike, it was a week of awakening. For others it was a week of renewal. And as the campers made their way home to Georgia, each one continues to wear the armor of God, prepared with His Word, and ready to share the love of Christ and their testimony so they may bring others to Him.
Camp Bennett is an outreach made possible by the Taylor Family Foundation. With the support of the foundation, children of Bennett employees, drivers and agents have the opportunity to attend and experience this unique week of camp. The Taylor Family Foundation contributes to many outreaches in the Henry County community and beyond. For more information about the Taylor Family Foundation, visit